As the headline says, "There's no easy way to say this!" 

The large majority of food outlets offering takeaway dishes are wasting their time and money!

I've written about this subject previously but it seems that many just want to bury their heads in the sand. The market is however changing and here's why I say such!

Yesterday it was reported by Sky News that "the government are about to allow food establishments to re-open as 'takeaways only' - delivery/collection" ...and that seated restaurant/cafe facilities will remain closed. Associated regulations will retain social distancing and when the restaurants do indeed re-open it's likely that eatery income will be slashed. Takeaway therefore will play a bigger part in your establishment's survival. And I say survival, with the utmost respect.

To most, the takeaway only will be crippling if they aren't geared up to i) contain costs and ii) use a FREE online takeaway ordering service and are relying on taking telephone orders. Forget about the third party delivery platforms like Deliveroo, Uber Eats and Just Eat - they'll help bankrupt you with 35% commissions by the former two platforms

Telephone ordering is potentially inaccurate, time consuming and labour-intensive. It's also restrictive as you have to be open to man the telephones. Online ordering is THE ONLY WAY TO GO and if it's entirely FREE and you can build a database for your future, then it is THE ONLY sensible option.

NOW is the time to act. Now is the time to sign-up to a FREE Online (Takeaway) Ordering system... FROLO.

A direct quote from their website from one of their customers;

"Our Restaurant has taken over 5,000 orders using FROLO and converted many of them to repeat customers, in fact over 2/3 of our orders come from repeat customers.  Using FROLO we have saved over  $39,000 and collected over 2,600 contact details.  Overall it’s a whopping 1180% Return on Investment for us!”

Ignore this opportunity at your peril!

PLEASE NOTE: Taste Swansea in no way benefits financially or any other way from introducing you to this service, whether you sign-up or not. One of my client's in Swansea just happened to be the first to use their FREE Table Booking service in the UK, and as a result I know the owner of the development company well. In addition, Taste Swansea is prepared to help you set up your system for free in order to get you up and's my way to give back to the industry.